华东师范大学学报(教育科学版) ›› 2017, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (4): 74-88+136+137.doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2017.04.008

• 基本理论与基本问题 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 台湾中兴大学教师专业发展研究所, 台湾台中
  • 出版日期:2017-08-20 发布日期:2017-07-07

Inquiry into Michael Winkler's Social Pedagogy

Frank LIANG   

  1. Institute of Professional Development for Educators, Taiwan Chung Hsing University, Taizhong, Taiwan, China
  • Online:2017-08-20 Published:2017-07-07

摘要: 本文采用教育诠释学方法,探究温克勒的社会教育学内涵,力图为我国建立社会教育理论和解决社会教育问题的提供参考。温克勒社会教育学的思想渊源深受康德的批判教育学、洪堡的陶冶理论、黑格尔的辩证教育学、施莱尔马赫的教育理论、诺尔的社会教育学、莫伦豪尔的社会教育学和科扎克的尊重教育学的影响,其主要内涵包括:探讨社会教育学理论的可能性,提出建构社会教育学理论的看法,分析社会教育学的问题,阐述社会教育学的行动和指出社会教育学的课题。温克勒的社会教育学具有肯定社会教育学理论建构的可能性、指引社会教育学理论建构的方向、探讨社会教育学领域的问题、建立教育协助理论的系统性和指出社会教育学未来的课题等优点,当然也存在着陷入教育策略错误应用的危机、主体概念无法给予明确的指示和教育活动结构仍然有待说明等问题。尽管如此,温克勒的社会教育学依然具有作为我们建构社会教育学理论的参考、协助学者了解社会教育学领域的问题和指出社会教育学领域未来发展的课题等重要的启示,可以帮助我国建立社会教育的理论和改善社会教育的实践,值得我们加以重视。

关键词: 温克勒, 社会教育, 社会教育学

Abstract: Adopting educational hermeneutics, this article attempts to investigate Michael Winkler's social pedagogy, which is influenced by Kant's critical pedagogy, Humboldt's cultivation theory, Hegel's dialectic pedagogy, Schleiermacher's educational theory, Nohl's social pedagogy, Mollenhauer's social pedagogy and Korczak's respect pedagogy. The main contents of Winkler's social pedagogy include discussion about the possibility of social pedagogy, perspective of the construction of social pedagogy, analysis of the problems of social pedagogy, explanation of the action of social pedagogy, and the missions of social pedagogy in the future. Winkler's social pedagogy has the following advantages:first, it confirms the possibility of theoretical construction in social pedagogy; second, it guides the direction of theoretical construction in social pedagogy; third, it discusses the problems in the field of social pedagogy; fourth, it helps builds theory of educational aids; fifth, it points out the missions of social pedagogy in the future. However, the social pedagogy has the following problems:it falls into the crisis of improper application of education strategies; it fails to give a clear definition of subject concepts; and it needs more explanation about the structure of educational activities. Despite its problems, it can serve as a reference for the construction of social pedagogy, which helps scholars to understand the problems in social pedagogy and to point out the developmental missions in the future. Winkler's perspectives help to build the theory of social education and to improve the practice of social education.

Key words: Winkler, social Education, social pedagogy