

  • [英]D·劳顿
丹尼斯·劳顿(Denis Lawton) 1931年4月生于英国南威尔士。但他从小求学于伦敦,曾在伦敦大学获文学士和哲学博士学位。现任英国学校评定和测试联合会(CATS)主席, 伦敦大学考试委员会(ULEB)主席; 伦敦大学教育学院(ULIE)教育学士学位在职培训中心主任,课程研究系教授。曾任伦敦大学教育学院课程研究系主任,学院副院长(1978- 1983), 院长(1983- 1989);英国泰晤士电视台(ThamesTelevision)教育问题顾问,英国大学拨款委员会(UGC)成员,英国师范院校校长联合会(College of Preceptors)基本会员。作为国际学术名人,劳顿教授还曾担任过国际师范教育学会(ICET)学术委员会主席,联合国教科文组织(Unesco)人口教育和课程问题顾问,欧洲经济合作与发展组织(OECD)课程问题高级顾问,欧洲议会终身教育指导委员会(CESCPE)英国代表。劳顿教授是当代国际著名课程论专家,文化课程论的主要代表,当代英国课程改革的主要倡导者。他的课程理论不仅影响着英国的课程改革实践,而且也影响着国际课程理论的发展。他目前是英国最负盛名的课程理论家, 最有影响的教育家之一。劳顿是一位十分丰产的著名学者。自1968年以来,他几乎是每年一部著作。迄今为止,具有重要影响的学术著作出版了近20部,主要学术论文40多篇,这在西方学者中也是不多见的。他的名作有:《社会变革、教育理论与课程规划(Social Change. Education Theory and Curiculum Planning)》(1973),《阶级、文化与课程(Class,Culture and the Curriculum)》(1975),《课程研究的理论与实践(Theory and Practice of Curriculum Studies)》(1978),《学校课程政治学(The Politics of the School Curriculum)》(1980), 《课程研究与教育规划(Curriculum Studies and Educational Planning)》(1983),《教育改革法:选择与控制(The Education Reform Act: Choice and Control)》(1988), 《教育、文化与国家课程(Education, Culture and the National Curriculum)》(1989), 《20世纪90年代的教育与政治:冲突还是一致? (Education and Politics in the 1990s : Conflict or Consensus?)》(1992)等

网络出版日期: 2022-10-10


[英]D·劳顿 . 1988年以来的英国“国家课程”[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 1996 , 14(4) : 47 -54 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.1996.04.006


null Black, P. (August 1992) Presidential Address The Shifting Scenery of the National curriculum to Education Section(The National Curriculum) of the British Assaciation for the Advancement of Science (Science Festival 1992 atSouthampton) published by BAAS. Education Section 1993 pp 5- 12
null Brown, M. (1989) 'Graded A ssessment and I. earning Hiera rchies in Mathematics: an Alternative View British Educa-tional Research Journal 15.2 pp.121- 128.
null Cox.C. B. and Dyson, A. E. (eds) (1969a) Fight for Education: A Black PaperLondon: Critical Quarterly Society
null Cox. C. B. and Dyson, A. E. (1969b) Black Paper Two, London: Critical Quarterly Society
null Cox, C. B. and Boyson, R. (1977) Black Paper 1977 London: Temple Snith
null Chitty. C. and Simons. B. (1993) The Right is wrong: Education Answers BackLondon; I.awrence & Wishart
null Dearing, R. (July 1993) The National curriculum and its Assessment Interin1 Report London: School Curriculum and Assessnent Authority
null Dearing, R. (1994) Final Report: The National Curriculum and its Assessment London; School Curriculum and As-sessment Authority
null Department of Education and Science (DES) and the Welsh Office (1988a) National Curriculum: Task Group on As-sessment and Testing: First Report London; HMSO
null Department of Education and Science (DES) and the Welsh Office (1988b) Natinal Criculom: Three Supplemen-tary Reports- Task Group on Assessment and Testing. London: HMSO
null Department of Education and Science (DES) and the Welsh Office (1988c) National Curriculum: Task Group on Assessnent and Testing Report. A Digest for Schools. London: HMSO
null Lawton, D. (1989) Education, Culture and the National Curriculum London: Hodder & Stoughton
null Iawton, D. (1992) Education and Politics for the 1990s: Conflict or Consensus? London: Falmer Press
null Noss R. et al (1989) 'Graded Assessment and Learning Hierarchies in Mathematics' British Educational Research Journal 15. 2 Ppp.109- 120
null Nuttall, D. (1988) 'National Assessment: Complacency or Misinterpretation? in Lawton, D. (ed.) The EducationReform Act: Choice and Control (1990) London: Hodder & Stoughton pp 44- 66
null Sinipson. M. (1990)"Why Criterion- Referencing is Unlikely to improve Learning"The Curriculum Journal 1. 2
