

  • 姜勇 ,
  • 底会娟 ,
  • 黄瑾
  • 1. 华东师范大学教育学部,上海 200062
    2. 河北师范大学学前教育系,石家庄 050024

网络出版日期: 2022-12-03



The Construction of Kindergarten Teacher’s Quality Monitoring System: Based on the Structural Equation Model Analysis for 1,768 Kindergarten Teachers in Shanghai

  • Yong Jiang ,
  • Huijuan Di ,
  • Jin Huang
  • 1. Ministry of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
    2. Department of Preschool Education, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 050000, China

Online published: 2022-12-03




姜勇 , 底会娟 , 黄瑾 . 幼儿园教师质量监测指标体系的构建研究——基于文化存在论教育学视角[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2022 , 40(12) : 73 -90 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.12.007


In 2015, OECD officially promulgated Start Strong IV: Monitoring in Childhood Education and Care, which clearly proposed kindergarten teacher’s quality monitoring as a part of education quality system. However, there is still a lack of scientific and effective quality monitoring tools for kindergarten teachers in China. Therefore, it is of great significance to develop an effective monitoring tool for kindergarten teachers to provide reference and basis for educational supervision and decision-making. As the theory of cultural existentialism pedagogy (CEP) has its unique vision in the analysis of teacher’s professional development, and pays special attention to the edification of teacher’s humanistic spirit and empowerment, this study takes CEP as the main theoretical framework, regards teachers as “the whole” educators, and develops the “Kindergarten Teacher’s Quality Monitoring Scale”, including five dimensions of healthy condition, practical wisdom, cultural competence, empowerment and autonomy, and commitment and loyalty. In this study, 1,768 teachers from 80 kindergartens in 7 municipal districts of Shanghai with randomly stratified sampling took part in filling the scale. The results are as follows. First, according to the small group analysis, item-total correlation analysis, reliability analysis, and favor loading analysis of classical test theory, the scale has excellent discrimination and reliability. Second, the results of exploratory factor analysis show that kindergarten teacher’s quality consists of 5 dimensions, which are healthy condition, practical wisdom, cultural competence, empowerment and autonomy, and commitment and loyalty. The secondary indicators are composed of 14 items, including physical and mental health, good society, teachers’ moral cultivation, professional knowledge, professional ability, cultural consciousness, cultural cultivation ability, cultural comparative vision, teaching autonomy, professional growth right, participation in decision-making right, educational belief, professional identity and professional mission. Third, the fitness index with confirmatory factor analysis shows that the RMSEA is 0.057, far less than 0.5; X2/df is 3.83, less than 5; CFI, IFI, TLI are all 0.9, GFI, AGFI, NFI are all above 0.85, so the scale has good structure validity.


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