网络出版日期: 2023-01-18
Research on the Influence Mechanism of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education on Entrepreneurial Behavior: A Large Sample Empirical Investigation Mediated by Entrepreneurial Ability and Entrepreneurial Willingness
Online published: 2023-01-18
借助全国 26 省份 102 所高校 30887 位学生样本数据,结合结构方程模型验证了以创业能力、创业意愿为中介变量的创新创业教育对创业行为的影响机理模型。研究结果表明:创业教育既可以直接正向显著影响创业行为,也可以通过创业能力的一重中介作用正向显著影响创业行为,还可以通过创业意愿的一重中介作用正向显著影响创业行为,并且创业能力和创业意愿对创业行为的贡献力度均强于创业教育。同时,有意识地挖掘创新创业教育内容所蕴含的思想政治教育元素可以激发、培育大学生的团队意识、法治意识、诚实意识与社会责任感等优秀品质。基于实证研究结论提出了更新创新创业教育理念,强化创业教育校内双主体意识;契合高校创业教育实际,重视创业教育实效性,强化创业能力培养;重视”大思政课”一体化建设,挖掘创新创业教育思政元素,提升协同育人合力等启示。
宁德鹏 , 何彤彤 , 邓君雪 , 曾雪 . 创新创业教育对创业行为的影响机理研究——以创业能力和创业意愿为中介的大样本实证考察[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2023 , 41(2) : 93 -105 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.02.008
Based on the sample data of 30,887 students from 102 colleges and universities in 26 provinces across the country, combined with the structural equation model, the mechanism model of the influence of innovation and entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial behavior with entrepreneurial ability and entrepreneurial willingness as mediating variables was verified. The research results show that entrepreneurship education can not only directly and significantly affect entrepreneurial behavior, but also positively and significantly affect entrepreneurial behavior through the first mediating effect of entrepreneurial ability, and can also positively and significantly affect entrepreneurial behavior through the first mediating effect of entrepreneurial willingness. The contribution of ability and entrepreneurial willingness to entrepreneurial behavior is stronger than entrepreneurial education. At the same time, consciously mining the elements of ideological and political education contained in the content of innovation and entrepreneurship education can stimulate and cultivate college students' excellent qualities such as team awareness, legal awareness, honesty awareness and social responsibility. Based on the conclusions of empirical research, it is proposed to update the concept of innovation and entrepreneurship education, strengthen the dual-subject awareness of entrepreneurship education in schools; fit the reality of entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities, attach importance to the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education, and strengthen the cultivation of entrepreneurial ability.Also, it's important to pay attention to the integration of ideological and political and ideological and political courses, excavates the ideological elements of innovative entrepreneurship education, and enhances the collaborative education force.
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