

  • 祝智庭 ,
  • 戴岭
  • 1. 华东师范大学开放教育学院,上海 200062
    2. 华东师范大学教育学部,上海 200062

录用日期: 2023-01-06

  网络出版日期: 2023-03-01



Digital Transformation of Education Driven by Design Wisdom: The Goal Orientation, Guiding Principles and Practical Approaches

  • Zhiting Zhu ,
  • Ling Dai
  • 1. School of Open Learning and Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
    2. Faculty of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

Accepted date: 2023-01-06

  Online published: 2023-03-01




祝智庭 , 戴岭 . 设计智慧驱动下教育数字化转型的目标向度、指导原则和实践路径[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2023 , 41(3) : 12 -24 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.03.002


The core of the digital transformation of education is to build a future education ecosystem integrated with digital technology through a thinking approach combining evolution and innovation, promoting system reconstruction and cultural innovation of the total elements, the whole business, the whole field and the whole process, and accelerate the realization of balanced, personalized, lifelong, flexible and open education to enhance the operational vitality of the education system and meet the expectations of all parties in society for fair and quality education. The research and practice of digital transformation of education in China are still in the initial exploration stage. Facing various confusions and bottlenecks of the digital transformation of education, it is necessary to carry new value concepts and practice logic through design wisdom to guide and lead the success of the digital transformation of education. This study proposes six target orientations: the shift of educational paradigm from supply-led to demand-led, the shift of teaching mode from teaching-centered to learning-centered, the shift of educational evaluation from knowledge-based to competency-based, the shift of educational system from stage-based to lifelong learning, the shift of educational architecture from system closure to system opening, and the shift of educational system operation mechanism from management to governance. It proposes the guiding principles of problem-driven and concept-led, future-oriented and competency-based, learning-centered and adaptive services, human-machine collaboration and digital empowerment, lifelong learning and accompanying records, multidimensional evaluation and credible evidence, iterative evolution and continuous innovation, and system opening and ecological development. It also proposes an action framework, ecosystem and risk prevention mechanism for the digital transformation of education led by design wisdom.


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