

  • 蔡连玉 ,
  • 金明飞 ,
  • 周跃良
  • 浙江师范大学教育学院/浙江省智能教育技术与应用重点实验室,浙江金华 321004

录用日期: 2023-01-06

  网络出版日期: 2023-03-01



The Essence of Education Digital Transformation: From Technology Integration to Human-machine Fusion

  • Lianyu Cai ,
  • Mingfei Jin ,
  • Yueliang Zhou
  • College of Education/Key Laboratory of Intelligent Education Technology and Applicaton of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Normal University, Zhejiang Jinhua, 321004, China

Accepted date: 2023-01-06

  Online published: 2023-03-01




蔡连玉 , 金明飞 , 周跃良 . 教育数字化转型的本质:从技术整合到人机融合[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2023 , 41(3) : 36 -44 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.03.004


Exploring the qualitative prescriptive nature of education digital transformation is the cognitive basis for effectively promoting transformation practices. Information technology enhances the efficiency of information sharing, but objectively brings about the separation of technology from educational subjects (teachers, students, and administrators) and fails to achieve the convergence and fusion of machine intelligence and human intelligence. As a theoretical paradigm, “education technology integration” believes that the application of information technology in education is a process of improving the efficiency of industrialized “educational production” through the “integration of things and things” between technology and curriculum, innovating the presentation of teaching content, focusing on knowledge push, and facilitating students’ knowledge acquisition. The “technology integration” paradigm has limitations in the four dimensions of ontology, methodology, epistemology and axiology, and it is difficult to meet the value creation needs of education digital transformation. The essence of education digital transformation points to “human-machine fusion”. This new paradigm believes that the application of information technology in education is a process of “human-machine fusion” between educational subjects and machine, using human-machine collaboration to bring together machine intelligence and human intelligence to promote students’ mental growth, thus realizing “teaching students in accordance with their aptitudes on a large scale”. This paradigm follows the modern educational philosophy and is the theoretical basis for education digital transformation. Pushing education digital transformation needs to be based on the paradigm of “human-machine fusion”, and: (a) realize the digital-intelligence drive of the education system by the overall process of reengineering; (b) realize the human-machine fusion of education through new capacity building; (c) realize value system reconstruction by system optimization & innovating; (d) realize the educational function improvement of technology by organizing special researches and developments.


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