

  • 张静 ,
  • 金泽梁 ,
  • 黄忠敬
  • 1. 华东师范大学教育学部教育心理学系,上海,200062
    2. 华东师范大学教育学部教育学系,上海,200062

网络出版日期: 2023-03-11


全国教育科学规划国家青年项目“项目化学习中社会与情感能力的动态多维测评研究” ( CEA210260)

Can Social and Emotional Skills Effectively Reduce Students’ Bullying: Empirical Analyses Based on OECD Social and Emotional Skills Study

  • Jing Zhang ,
  • Zeliang Jin ,
  • Zhongjing Huang
  • 1. Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 20062, China
    2. Department of Education, Faculty of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 20062, China

Online published: 2023-03-11




张静 , 金泽梁 , 黄忠敬 . 社会与情感能力能否有效减少学生受欺凌?——基于OECD社会与情感能力测评的实证分析[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2023 , 41(4) : 46 -55 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.04.004


Grounded on the social ecology theory and the OECD social and emotional skills framework, this study described the current situation of bullying among students aged 10 and 15, and explored the individual factors and environmental factors affecting bullying based on the OECD survey data in Suzhou. On the one hand, the results confirmed the relationship between demographic factors, environmental factors and bullying victimization, and found that although the prevalence of cyberbullying victimization was low, it was highly correlated with school bullying victimization. On the other hand, it explores the relative importance of social and emotional skills on bullying victimization through relative importance analysis, in which self-control and stress resistance were key factors in predicting students from school bullying and cyberbullying, and trusting skill was a protective factor from cyberbullying. The study reveals the close relationship between social and emotional skills and bullying victimization, and enlightens to carry out all-round and targeted prevention and intervention of bullying victimization from the perspective of social and emotional skills.


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