网络出版日期: 2023-05-30
“Learning by Doing” as a Social Theory: A New Attempt to Deepen Dewey Research
Online published: 2023-05-30
“做中学”背后隐藏的是今古之变的时代问题,是前现代社会向现代社会过渡的“社会转型问题”。杜威是致力于解决社会转型问题的一个“策略行动者”。其“做中学”理论面对社会转型中的冲突,并通过解决这些冲突实现社会的进步。从社会理论视角看,它的基础是冲突论。“做中学”的社会理想是建设基于地方自治的现代民主公民社会,正是在这个意义上,“做中学”的“做”是“交流、交往、合作”和“实验”,还指“学生自治”。真正的“做中学”是在意义感通的自治共同体中通过“做”去“学”,在意趣盎然的深度民主生活中学。 因此,“做中学”不仅是一种教育理论,而且是一种以冲突论为核心的、致力于解决社会民主转型问题的社会理论。
涂诗万 , 朱凯 . 作为社会理论的“做中学”——深化杜威研究的一个新尝试[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2023 , 41(6) : 14 -25 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.06.002
What is hidden behind learning by doing is the era’s problem of change of ancient and modern, and the social problem of transformation from pre-modern society to modern society. John Dewey is a strategic agent committed to solving the problem of social transformation. His theory of learning by doing faces the conflicts arising in social transformation and promotes social progress by solving these conflicts. From the perspective of social theory, it is based on conflict theory. The social ideal of learning by doing is to build democratic communities based on local autonomy. It is in this sense that the “doing” of learning by doing is communication, intercourse, cooperation and experimentation, and also refers to student autonomy. The real learning by doing is to “learn” by “doing” in an autonomous community with a shared meaning, and to learn in the deep democratic life with high interest. So, learning by doing is not only an educational theory, but also a social philosophy with conflict theory as its core and devoted to solving problems of social transformation towards democratic communities.
Key words: John Dewey; learning by doing; conflict theory; community; democracy
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