录用日期: 2023-04-28
网络出版日期: 2023-09-27
An Empirical Study on the Role of Education in Promoting Urbanization
Accepted date: 2023-04-28
Online published: 2023-09-27
城镇化不仅是一个国家现代化的必由之路,而且是拉动经济增长、促进共同富裕的重要动力。通过提高广大农民受教育水平,促进新农村建设,发展现代化大农业,提高农民收入水平,使更多的农民从土地上解放出来,进入城镇劳动生产率更高、收入更高的第二产业、第三产业,逐步实现城乡一体化发展,是我国走向共同富裕的必经之路。本文基于2005—2020年中国省级面板数据,使用双向固定效应模型,实证检验了教育对于城镇化水平的促进作用。研究发现:1. 教育经费投入对于城镇化具有显著的促进作用;2. 经济增长与技术进步能够显著推动城镇化进程;3. 地区发展水平能够调节教育对于城镇化的影响。
万博绅 , 闵维方 . 教育影响城镇化水平的实证研究——基于中国2005—2020年省级面板数据[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2023 , 41(10) : 40 -52 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.10.004
Urbanization is not only a way that a country must go through for modernization, but also an important driving force for economic growth and common prosperity. It could promote new rural construction and develop modern agriculture, thus raising farmers’ income and allowing them to enter the secondary and tertiary sector of the economy with higher productivity through better education. Based on the provincial-level panel data of China from 2005 to 2020, by using a two-way fixed effects model, this study finds that: first, education investment could accelerate urbanization; second, economic growth and technological advances could also promote urbanization process; finally, regional development could moderate the educational effect on urbanization.
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