网络出版日期: 2024-01-17
How Teachers Develop: A Depiction and Analysis Based on Experiential Learning Circle Theory
Online published: 2024-01-17
王陆 , 马如霞 , 彭玏 . 教师是如何发展的?——一项基于经验学习圈理论的刻画与分析[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2024 , 42(2) : 30 -45 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.02.003
In order to comprehensively understand and promote the change of teachers, it is necessary to deeply portray the process of the change of teachers. This study used epistemic network analysis and cross-lagged analysis to analyze big data on classroom teaching behaviors and practical knowledge of 41 teachers who had participated in a complete experiential learning circle in the COP program for a total of 4 semesters over 2 years, and obtained the evolutionary patterns of teachers’ change based on the experiential learning circle. It was found that there was a definite causal relationship between the knowledge components of teachers’ practical knowledge, such as educational beliefs, reflective knowledge and self-knowledge, and key teaching behaviors related to innovative changes in teaching, such as teachers encouraging students to ask questions and teachers asking high-order thinking questions. The evolution of practical knowledge as an internal characteristic of the change of teachers went through three stages: competitive coexistence, synergistic complementation, and synergistic transformation, while the teaching behaviors of encouraging students to ask questions and asking higher-order thinking questions as external characteristics of the change of teachers went through a quantitative change process from less to more. Practical knowledge and classroom teaching behaviors together as the internal cause of teachers’ change were the basis of teachers’ change, while the big data evidence-based course research support services provided by university researchers were the external cause of teachers’ change and constituted the conditions for teachers’ change, and the external cause induced the change of teachers through the internal cause.
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