专题:2024 年社会与情感能力研究(SSES)国际测评报告


  • 唐汉卫 ,
  • 张红 ,
  • 高星原
  • 华东师范大学基础教育改革与发展研究所,华东师范大学教育学系, 上海 200062

网络出版日期: 2024-04-12


国家社会科学基金 2022 年度教育学重点课题“我国青少年社会与情感能力培养研究”(ABA220028)

How Social and Emotional Skills Influence Students’ Public Engagement: Based on the Second Round of SSES

  • Hanwei Tang ,
  • Hong Zhang ,
  • Xingyuan Gao
  • The Institute of Basic Education Reform and Development, East China Normal University; Department of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

Online published: 2024-04-12


积极有效的公共参与是培养学生成为“时代新人”的关键。研究利用Survey on Social and Emotional Skills(SSES 2023)的中国济南调查数据,考察10岁和15岁组学生的公共参与现状,并探究社会与情感能力对公共参与的影响及其作用机制。结果发现:(1)超半数参与调查的学生未参加过环境保护和志愿服务相关的公共活动,公共参与人数随参与频率的增加而降低,且10岁组学生公共参与频率显著高于15岁组学生;(2)果敢、创造性与成就动机是影响学生公共参与的关键能力,其对公共参与的重要性优于其他社会与情感能力;(3)社会与情感能力不仅直接影响学生的公共参与,还通过同学关系的中介路径、学校归属感的中介路径以及同学关系和学校归属感的链式中介路径间接影响学生的公共参与。研究揭示了社会与情感能力在公民教育中的重要作用,启示以社会与情感能力为抓手,多举措提升学生的公共参与水平。


唐汉卫 , 张红 , 高星原 . 社会与情感能力如何影响学生的公共参与?——基于第二轮SSES测评数据[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2024 , 42(5) : 99 -111 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.05.006


Active and effective public engagement is crucial in cultivating students to become “New Era Individuals”. This study leverages data from the Survey on Social and Emotional Skills (SSES 2023) conducted in Jinan, China, examining the current status of public engagement among students aged 10 and 15, and exploring the impact and mechanisms of social and emotional competencies on public engagement. The findings reveal that: (1) more than half of the surveyed students have never participated in public activities related to environmental protection or voluntary services, with the number of participants decreasing as the frequency of participation increases, and the public engagement frequency of 10-year-old students being significantly higher than that of 15-year-olds. (2) Assertiveness, creativity, and achievement motivation are key skills influencing students’ public engagement, with their importance surpassing other social and emotional skills. (3) Social and emotional skills not only directly influence students’ public engagement but also indirectly affect it through mediating pathways such as student-classmate relationship, sense of belonging at school, and the chained mediation of both. The study highlights the significant role of social and emotional skills in civic education, suggesting that leveraging these skills can enhance students’ level of public engagement through various measures.


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