录用日期: 2024-06-27
网络出版日期: 2024-08-24
Interdisciplinary and Critical Concerns: Current Comparative Education Research in the United Kingdom — Also on the Construction of Independent Knowledge System of Comparative Education in China
Accepted date: 2024-06-27
Online published: 2024-08-24
张丹 , 韩君灵 , 夏翔 , 何思岩 . 交叉学科与批判关切:英国比较教育研究现状——兼议中国比较教育学自主知识体系建设[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2024 , 42(9) : 74 -88 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.09.006
In the era of globalization, China’s comparative education still lacks local theory and methodology construction. The research theme focuses on national strategy, but lacks theoretical perspectives and various methods. Exploring the current research situation of comparative education in the UK can provide reference for China. By analyzing the research data of 548 comparative education researchers from the top 72 universities in the UK, this paper finds that comparative education research in the UK focuses on global and transnational education issues, pays attention to marginalized countries and groups, applies interdisciplinary theories and methods, and aims to construct and innovate global theories with critical concerns. Considering the current situation of comparative education research in China, China should seek a balance between policy consultation and knowledge production, establish transnational interdisciplinary teams, innovate theories and methods, attach importance to theoretical criticism and local independent theoretical construction, so as to contribute Chinese experience to global education.
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