网络出版日期: 2024-09-25
Reconstruction of High-quality Primary School Teacher Education System in the New Era: For Children’s Holistic Development
Online published: 2024-09-25
朱旭东 , 康晓伟 , 黄蓝紫 . 新时代高质量小学教师教育体系重建:为了儿童的全面发展[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2024 , 42(10) : 52 -59 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.10.005
The high-quality primary school teacher education system in the new era aims to achieve a balance between the supply and demand of primary school teacher education, and ultimately promote the all-round development of children. The high-quality primary school teacher education system is one kind of scientific and professional education, one methodology to think about the operation law of primary school teacher education activities generally, and one organic unity of “body” and “department” and their mutual relations. Problems of China’s primary school teacher education system in the new era include the inability of the current primary school teacher education system to meet the needs of China’s education strategy in the new era, and the inability to meet the needs of the construction of the teacher education system with Chinese characteristics. This study puts forward the following approaches to developing Chinese high-quality primary school teacher education system: a) building a diversified, multi-type and hierarchical system of specialized primary school teacher training institutions according to local conditions; b) improving the enrollment quality of normal university students, and ensure the top teacher education system of student quality; c) strengthening the construction of primary school teachers and educators, and provide teacher support for the top primary school teacher education system; d)strengthening discipline construction and reshaping the curriculum construction of primary school teachers education with higher knowledge attribute; e) reconstructing “theory-practice” mutually activated top teaching mode of primary school teacher education; f) through collaborative quality improvement, reconstructing the organizational guarantee mechanism of top primary school teacher education system.
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