

  • 吴开俊 ,
  • 朱星谕 ,
  • 黄炳超
  • 1. 广州大学教育经济研究中心,广州 510006
    2. 广州大学教育学院,广州 510006

网络出版日期: 2024-09-25

Research on Optimization of Collaborative Training Mechanism for Professional Degree Postgraduates with Demand Orientation: Based on the Perspective of Integration of Education, Technology and Talents

  • Kaijun Wu ,
  • Xingyu Zhu ,
  • Bingchao Huang
  • 1. Center for Economic of Education, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China
    2. School of Education, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China

Online published: 2024-09-25




吴开俊 , 朱星谕 , 黄炳超 . 以需求为导向的专业学位研究生协同培养机制优化研究————基于教育、科技、人才一体化的视角[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2024 , 42(10) : 83 -97 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.10.008


Deepening the reform of the training mechanism of professional degree postgraduates is the core theme of the classified development of graduate education in the new era. From the perspective of the integration of education, science and technology and talents, this study examines the current characteristics and empirical practices of the development of professional degree postgraduate education in China’s big education provinces and strong economic provinces, in order to provide practical experience for high-quality development of professional degree postgraduate education in China. The research finds that the main bottlenecks in the training of professional degree postgraduates are the quality of school-enterprise joint training caused by index assessment and academic orientation; the high cost of industrial enterprises participating in joint training and the mismatch of supply and demand lead to weak motivation, and the lagging setting of professional courses and course teaching content are difficult to keep up with the needs of production practice. Loose coordination of multiple subjects and imperfect governance mechanism make it difficult to support “organized education”. Under the background of classified development, the training of professional degree postgraduates needs to serve the strategic needs of national and regional development, optimize the new mechanism of multi-subject collaboration between government, school, research institute and enterprise, and deepen the reform of classified training with education as the main body. Besides, it's necessary to promote the deep integration of science and education with the support of science and technology, strengthen the orientation of talent ability with talent as the fulcrum, and deepen the integration of industry and education in the region. Also, it's suggested to optimize the multi-subject organizational structure with the guarantee of the system, strengthen the supporting role of the integration of education, science and technology, and talents, and create a new situation of high-quality development of professional degree postgraduate education.


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