录用日期: 2024-09-23
网络出版日期: 2025-01-18
Construction of the Symbolic Concept of Pedagogy with Chinese Characteristics
Accepted date: 2024-09-23
Online published: 2025-01-18
温晓情 , 冯建军 . 中国特色教育学标识性概念建构[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2025 , 43(2) : 10 -18 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2025.02.002
The construction of the independent knowledge system of pedagogy with Chinese characteristics is fundamentally guaranteed by the independent concept system, which requires the concept to have discipline identity, theoretical identity and Chinese identity. To refine the symbolic concept of pedagogy with Chinese characteristics, we should first clarify the theoretical framework of pedagogy with Chinese characteristics, and ensure that the refined concept is the concept of “pedagogy” with disciplinary connection, which is the disciplinary premise of concept construction; Secondly, we should take root in China and refine the concept of pedagogy extensively within the theoretical framework to ensure that the original concept of pedagogy is a concept with academic rationality, which is the theoretical cornerstone of concept construction; Finally, following the principle of difference, we should further highlight the Chinese identity of the local concept of pedagogy and construct the concept of pedagogy identity with Chinese characteristics. However, the independent knowledge system of pedagogy with Chinese characteristics cannot be established on the fragmented concept of pedagogy, which requires further clarifying the disciplinary structure, logical level and content system of the symbolic concept of pedagogy with Chinese characteristics, so as to make the concept of pedagogy logical and systematic.
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