网络出版日期: 2025-01-18
上海市哲学社会科学规划教育学青年项目“上海市地方本科高校试验班项目人才培养质量和改进策略研究”(B2023005)。清华大学自主科研计划文科专项课题 “后疫情时代大学生学习特征与影响因素研究”(2021THZWJC22)。
Integration of Knowledge Seeking, Self-perfection, and Pursuit of Career Development: Chinese Students’ Learning Characteristics from an International and Comparative Perspective
Online published: 2025-01-18
张华峰 , 史静寰 , 郭菲 . 求知、修身与发展的统合:国际比较视野下中国学生的学习特点分析[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2025 , 43(2) : 19 -33 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2025.02.003
Moving beyond entrenched negative stereotypes and Western-centric educational theories, this study offers a nuanced understanding of Chinese students’ learning approaches through an international comparative lens. This approach is essential for developing a contextualized theory of student learning and serves as a cornerstone for enhancing talent development and educational practices. A comprehensive analysis of international research on Chinese learners reveals distinct learning characteristics: an integrated cognitive strategy facilitating knowledge reproduction, motivation deeply rooted in social connections and instrumental tools, purposeful and context-driven academic engagement, and learning philosophies imbued with indigenous virtues. These findings suggest that Chinese students’ educational experiences encompass not only cognitive processes but also embody a holistic ‘great learning’ ethos that integrates knowledge seeking, self-perfection, and pursuit of career development. To foster a meaningful evolution in student learning, educational interventions must transcend the confines of mere internal reforms within schools and engage with broader socio-educational reform that would change the learning characteristics of self-perfection and pursuit of career development.
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