

  • 徐小洲 ,
  • 王旭燕
  • 浙江大学教育学院,杭州 310028

网络出版日期: 2016-07-05



Ecological Development of Entrepreneurship Education:Perspective of GALCHS

  • XU Xiao-Zhou ,
  • WANG Xu-Yan
  • College of Education, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310028, China
XU Xiao-Zhou,WANG Xu-Yan

Online published: 2016-07-05


创业教育生态体系建设是当前国际创业教育理论与实践普遍关注的热点问题。我国创业教育生态体系建设要树立以全球(Global)、全民(All)和终身(Lifelong)为外驱力,以互补性(Complementary)、整体性(Holistic)和可持续性(Sustainable)为内应力的“GALCHS”创业教育生态发展观念, 破解学校创业教育“生态位”角色缺失、政策因子缺位、创业教育生态系统运行基础薄弱等难题,推进创业教育生态系统萌芽、发育并进入“稳态”。


徐小洲 , 王旭燕 . GALCHS视野下的创业教育生态发展观[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2016 , 34(2) : 16 -21 . DOI: DOI:10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2016.02.002


How to build an ecosystem of entrepreneurship education has become a major concern all around the world, either at the theoretical or practical level. Current researches focus on the university-based entrepreneurship ecosystem (U-BEE), and it’s believed that universities are the hub of the ecosystem, which provides the infrastructure, capital and training to students’ entrepreneurial activities through dealing with the stakeholders like the governments, enterprises and markets. Entrepreneurship education ecosystem is a functional body. The school system is the core of the ecosystem, while the government, families, enterprises, and other social institutions should join the ecosystem as an input environment. The school system educates innovational and enterprising talents for society in return. To construct an entrepreneurship education ecosystem, it’s essential to analyze the elements of the system and its operational mechanism and make a top-level design as a whole including the concept, positioning and objectives of ecological entrepreneurship education. In accordance with the mission and internal requirements of entrepreneurship education, Chinese ecosystem of entrepreneurship education should establish the idea of GALCHS, i.e. global, all, lifelong, complementary, holistic and sustainable. Global entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship for all and lifelong entrepreneurship are the three main external powers of the current social development. Complementary, holistic and sustainable are the other three internal stresses in the ecosystem. Entrepreneurship education develops like whirling through the interaction of external and internal power. However, the current ecosystem of entrepreneurship education is still at the stage of infancy, it even has not stepped into the puberty time, let alone a steady state. At present, entrepreneurship education develops vigorously in universities, but it is not popular in the elementary and secondary schools. The Chinese governments, either at the central or local level, have issued both general policies and specific regulations concerning entrepreneurship education, in order to create a favorable environment for students and the development of entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities. But it seems that the entrepreneurship education policies lack a holistic plan for the development of society and economy. It would be difficult to support the effective operation of the entrepreneurship education without sufficient internal and external resources, like practical training platforms, business incubators, venture capitals, curriculum, teachers, etc. According to GALCHS, to promote the budding, growth, and steady state of ecosystem of entrepreneurship education , colleges and universities in China should solve the problem of role missing in the ecosystem of entrepreneurship education, and more efficient polices need to be produced and the basis of entrepreneurship should be reinforced in the ecosystem of entrepreneurship education.
