

  • 黄雨恒 ,
  • 史静寰
  • 清华大学教育研究院, 北京 100084

网络出版日期: 2018-07-05



Education, Background and Policy: The Allocation Mechanism of Minority Students' Access to Higher Education

  • HUANG Yuheng ,
  • SHI Jinghuan
  • Institute of Education, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

Online published: 2018-07-05




黄雨恒 , 史静寰 . 教育、出身与政策:少数民族大学生入学机会的分配机制研究[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2018 , 36(4) : 62 -70+163+164 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.04.006


Surveys on minority students' access to higher education tend to involve little pre-college ex-perience and policy data. Based on existing theory and data from the China College Student Survey (CCSS, 2011-2016), this study developed a new framework to analyze minority students' access to higher education. Related factors are grouped into three dimensions:family background, pre-college educational experience and educational policy. Using the higher education stratification mobility rate, logistic regression model and the Sheaf Coefficients, the authors found that, with equal opportunity policy in place, pre-college educational ex-periences are the main factors influencing minority students' access to higher education, especially in elite u-niversities enrollment. Moreover, the lower average level of education an ethnic group received, the less bal-anced level of their access to higher education caused by their parents' occupation differentiation. This means that the influence of family background on access to elite university opportunity is still significant. National education policy can effectively balance the access to elite universities in inhabited and non-inhabited areas of minority.


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