Through a comprehensible analysis of the causes of anxieties on education in contemporary China, this paper locates its deepest cause at the development of artificial intelligence, which rapidly increases the risk of the "investment on education". Education faces two prospects in the coming posthuman condition:either the end of education, or the lifelong education. The latter does not merely refer to the educational practice outside school education, but also two radicals renewals of educational practice:first, the posthumanist framework of actor-network replacing the linear framework of progressivism and representationalism; second, the intra-actions between all actors including non-humans replacing the one-way disciplinary indoctrination from adults to children. The posthuman condition also provides us with the opportunity to rethink education:is education merely a humanist enterprise? This paper concludes with a re-interpretation of pre-Qin educational thought through a Deleuzean approach.
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