Currently, besides expectations from parents and teachers, students in secondary schools and colleges all hold certain expectations of learning. Although their expectations differ, they are centered on merit-priority. Given that respect is the unity of subjectivity and objectivity, dominance of merit-priority mentality and lack of understanding and attention to students' intrinsic learning expectations from parents and teachers, plus high cost and risks, usually lead to frequent interference, substitution and deprivation of students' learning expectations. The fact that learning expectations of students are not respected by adults like parents and teachers tends be a huge hindrance to the future development of students. To deal with this problem, it's suggested that merit-priority mentality should be alleviated, understanding of students' learning expectations be enhanced among adult groups, and mutual respect be recognized by giving lectures to parents, exploring a career guidance institution for students, improving the new Gaokao system and establishing multiple social media. In doing so, learning will go back to interest and learning expectations will play positive roles in students' learning.
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