With the development and progress of society, communication competence plays an increasingly important role in individual development, thus becoming one of the core qualities of talents in the 21st century. However, there is no clear definition of the connotation and structure of communication competence. Based on analysis of the international researches on core literacy in the 21st century and related literature, this study proposes that communication competence is a complex literacy that includes language ability, thinking ability and social emotional ability, involving three elements: deep understanding, effective expression and empathy. Among them, deep understanding and effective expression are two important processes of communication, which require language skills, thinking skills and social skills, while empathy is the most important social emotional skill to promote effective communication. Primary and secondary schools provide an important stage to cultivate students’ communication competence. The clarity of the connotation and structure of communication competence in this study will help primary and secondary schools to build a communication competence training system, and provide a reference for the improvement of students’ overall literacy.
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