This research group conducted a questionnaire survey on the quality satisfaction of innovation and entrepreneurship courses of students from national “Double First-class” construction of universities through questionnaires by means of random sampling, and then conducted an empirical analysis on 12269 samples by using SPSS. From the data analysis results, it can be seen that students with different entrepreneurial consciousness have different satisfaction with entrepreneurial education. Students of different grades and majors also have significant differences in the satisfaction of innovation and entrepreneurship education. The difference between innovation and entrepreneurship curriculum and traditional curriculum is not obvious. Finally, students’ satisfaction with the faculty of innovation and entrepreneurship needs to be improved. Based on the above conclusions, this study argues that to improve the quality of innovation and entrepreneurship courses, it is necessary to meet students’ curriculum needs and establish a diversified selection mechanism for innovation and entrepreneurship courses. Besides, it's important to enrich the content of entrepreneurship and innovation courses and increase the proportion of innovation and entrepreneurship practice courses that focus on innovation and innovation integration. Also, assessment of innovative course teaching is needed to optimize students' learning of innovation and entrepreneurship course. We should give full play to the role of mentors for entrepreneurship and innovation and establish a system of double mentors to guarantee students’ entrepreneurship and innovation activities.
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