With the deepening of the government’s requirements for “education satisfaction of the public”, the research community focuses on the factors influencing education satisfaction, aiming to provide constructive suggestions for improving regional school education. Based on the survey data of more than 14000 parents and students in 140 high schools in S province, this article dealt with the influencing factors of parents’ education satisfaction using the statistical method of multiple regression analysis. The results showed that at the school level, the relationship between teachers and students had the greatest impact on parents’ education satisfaction. At the student level, the interests, subjective well-being and academic performance of students had positive predictive effect on parents’ education satisfaction. Meanwhile, the frequency, content and method of family-school communication also had crucial impact on parents’ education satisfaction. Therefore, it’s suggested that basic hardware facilities and a good campus environment should be created, and a harmonious teacher-student relationship should be built. In addition, high-quality educational resources should be shared, and students’ interest in learning be stimulated to practice the educational concept of the new era. Finally, it’s important to establish a family-school communication mechanism to further promote family-school cooperation.
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