Multiple Versions of Pragmatism in Modern Chinese Contexts
Online published: 2021-05-31
顾红亮 . 实用主义概念的多重“身份”[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2021 , 39(6) : 17 -26 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.06.002
Since John Dewey’s visit in China in 1919—1921, pragmatism has become one of influential philosophical trends in modern China. Chinese scholars interpret the concept of pragmatism in many ways in different contexts. Chinese concept of pragmatism has at least six versions. Firstly, it refers to pragmatism educational thought which Huang Yanpei advocated in the 1920’s. Secondly, it means a philosophical movement in USA and modern China. Thirdly, it is John Dewey’s education thought and his Chinese students’ application. Fourthly, it refers to a theory of value which focus on instrumental utility and material effects. Fifthly, it refers to utilitarianism which Jeremy Bentham developed. Sixthly, it means egoism. These versions of pragmatism in modern China indicates six types of identity which reflects the complexity of understanding John Dewey’s pragmatism and sinicized reading of pragmatism in terms of the function of Chinese thoughts.
Key words: pragmatism; experimentalism; utilitarianism; instrumentalism; egoism
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