网络出版日期: 2021-07-02
Mixed-methods Inquiry into Interpersonal Interaction in Online Teaching——The Perspective of Shanghai University Teachers
Online published: 2021-07-02
李琳琳 . 在线教学人际互动的混合研究——上海高校教师的视角[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2021 , 39(7) : 50 -61 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.07.005
Interpersonal interaction is a key factor affecting the effectiveness of online teaching. The SOTL-T project analyzed the characteristics and effects of the negative aspects of online teaching through a questionnaire survey of 8850 university teachers and 23 in-depth interviews with teachers. The study found that: In terms of interactive media, text interaction accounts for the largest proportion because of its retention and visibility. The written expression ability is exercised through careful consideration of words and sentences, and there is a trend of emoticon assistance and conciseness. Audio and video interactions have high requirements for internet speed and in-depth performances. Due to the pressure of image decoration in the background, some teachers do not turn on the camera frequently. In terms of interaction time, the time characteristics of synchronous interaction and offline interaction show some similarities in respect of time rigidity, short intervals, clear boundaries, uniform rhythm and single direction. Also, time utilization efficiency is relatively high. In contrast, the time rigidity of asynchronous interaction is weak, the interval is long, the boundary is blurred, the rhythm can be adjusted, and it can be undone and edited. The time efficiency is lower. In terms of interactive space, the dispersion of online teaching space limits the diversity and sufficiency of interaction, but also it can form a safe distance for anonymous protection. In courses with special space requirements, online teaching shows unique advantages or disadvantages. More than half of the teachers believe that the frequency and effect of interpersonal interaction in online teaching are lower than offline teaching. Teacher-student interaction is worse than student-student interaction. Based on analytical results, the research suggests possible actions in future for universities, teachers, and platform developers.
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