网络出版日期: 2022-03-01
Research on the Influence of Dialogic Peer Feedback on College Students’ Online Deep Learning
Online published: 2022-03-01
姚佳佳 , 李艳 , 潘金晶 , 程萌萌 . 同伴对话反馈对大学生在线深度学习的影响研究[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2022 , 40(3) : 112 -126 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.03.010
In the context of the intelligent era, colleges and universities need to pay more attention to the cultivation of deep learning talents and the training of student’ deep learning ability. Discussion-based learning with dialogic peer feedback strategy is an important way to stimulate students’ high-level thinking and deepen their learning input in classrooms. Through an exploratory experiment in the natural state, the research explores the influence of dialogic peer feedback strategy based on online discussion in group on college students’ deep learning and the characteristics of students’ online participation. The study found that: (1) dialogic peer feedback strategy based on online discussion in group can significantly promote students’ learning approach from surface approach to strategic and deep approach, especially for surface learners, which may have negative effects on deep learners; (2) such activity can significantly promote the transformation of students’ cognitive levels from unistructural or low-level multistructural to high-level multistructural, but it has not yet stimulated the development of students’ cognitive levels to relational and extended abstract structures; (3) the cognitive level of deep learners who are more actively involved in activities is not better than that of surface learners, although they have an important role in driving surface learners to participate in and deepen their learning approaches. Based on the findings, some suggestions are provided for college teachers to better design deep learning activities in blended learning environment.
Key words: higher education; deep learning; online discussion; dialogic peer feedback
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