
  • 王大泉
  • 教育部政策法规司,北京 100816

录用日期: 2022-01-06

  网络出版日期: 2022-04-27

The Practical Significance and Realization Path of Codification of Education

  • Daquan Wang
  • Department of Policies and Regulations, Ministry of Education, Beijing 100816, China

Accepted date: 2022-01-06

  Online published: 2022-04-27




王大泉 . 教育法典编纂的现实意义与实现路径[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2022 , 40(5) : 1 -7 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.05.001


The codification of education code has been included in the legislative programme.Codification is a sign of the maturity of a legal system in a field.The legal system in the field of education is relatively sound, and the quantity and quality of provisions can meet the requirements. Moreover, there is internal logic between legal norms, and the system is relatively mature. The legislative organ and the competent department have also formed a working consensus, which has a realistic basis for codification. The compilation of educational code is of great significance not only for the theoretical study of educational law but also for the practice of educational rule of law. It can promote the reform and innovation of educational system deeply by rule of law. Codification is faced with difficulties such as filling legal gaps, educational transformation, unclear procedures and insufficient theoretical preparation. It is necessary to give priority to filling educational legal gaps, and at the same time carry out systematic and organized research, and promote the codification through systematic integration of educational legal norms and partial innovation of substantive codification mode.


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