Psychology Trumps Pedagogy: A Review of China’s New EducationExperiment in Action by Zhu Yongxin
Accepted date: 2022-07-04
Online published: 2022-09-29
盖洛普民调显示,在世界范围内,由于中小学教育中的“远离学习”会进一步导致职场中“远离工作”的问题,这会给全球生产力带来每年高达7万亿美元的损失。朱永新教授在他的China’sNew Education Experiment in Action一书中,讲述了遵循他们的原则的创新学校所取得成功的各种故事。近年来在教育领域鲜为人知的心理学研究发现,将有助于进一步解释朱教授的新教育实验为什么能取得成功。通过将重点放在学生的积极性和参与度上,应用新教育实验原则的学校既能帮助学生取得学业成就,又能使其“过上快乐、完整的教育生活”。展望未来,所有的教育变革,无论它们发生在哪里,都将面临着挑战。在新教育实验中,这些学校在迎接不可避免的挑战时采用的一种积极的潜在方法,比如对这些学校所使用的科学的心理环境测量方法的价值,本文也进行了讨论。
[美]唐纳德?伯格(Donald A. Berg) . 心理学胜过教育学:评中国的“新教育实验”[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2022 , 40(10) : 91 -99 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.10.008
Throughout the world the pattern of disengagement established in primary and secondary schools leads to the problem of disengagement in the workplace which, according to Gallup, results in global losses of $7 trillion per year in productivity. In his book China’s New Education Experiment in Action, Professor Zhu Yongxin presents a variety of stories about the success that the innovative schools that follow his principles have achieved. Recent findings in psychological research that are not commonly known in the field of education can help explain the success that Professor Zhu’s principles have facilitated. Through placing their central emphasis on the motivation and engagement of students, the schools that apply the principles of the New Education Experiment produce both academic achievement and “a happy, complete life of education.” Looking to the future, there are challenges that all educational innovations face, no matter where they occur. As a potential means for proactively facing those inevitable challenges to the schools in the New Education Experiment, the value of using scientifically informed measures of the psychological climate in those schools is discussed.
Key words: engagement; motivation; education innovation; self-directed education
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