Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences) >
Should Calculators Be Allowed to Use in College Entrance Examinations in Mathematics: An International Comparison of 30 Countries and Regions’ Calculator Use Policies and Practices in College Entrance Examinations
Accepted date: 2022-09-02
Online published: 2023-03-11
Whether calculators should be introduced to College Entrance Examinations in Mathematics (CEE-M) in China is a long-standing controversial topic. This study examined calculator use policies and practices in CEE-M in 30 relatively economically developed countries and regions, and compared their delivery modes (single, mixed), types of calculators allowed and roles of calculators in exam questions and solutions; representative questions in selected sample exams were also used for case analysis. The study found that most CEE-M allowed students to use calculators, with mainly the single delivery mode using scientific calculators, and introducing calculators into the CEE-M can provide a new opportunity to enhance the real-life context, openness, and flexibility of questions in mathematics examinations. According to the results, the study concluded that there is a need to fully realize the value of introducing calculators in CEE-M, carry out more research in designing exam questions allowing calculators to promote examination reform and innovation, and establish a long-term plan for introducing calculators into mathematics classrooms and examinations.
Shuhui Li , Shang Li , Lianghuo Fan . Should Calculators Be Allowed to Use in College Entrance Examinations in Mathematics: An International Comparison of 30 Countries and Regions’ Calculator Use Policies and Practices in College Entrance Examinations[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2023 , 41(4) : 83 -92 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.04.007
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