Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences) >
Is AGI Approaching: Rethinking the Development of AI and Future Education in the Context of the ChatGPT Craze
Online published: 2023-06-25
Technology and education have been competing to promote the progress and development of human society. The team of “Research on Artificial Intelligence Promotes the Development of Future Education” continues to pay attention to the trends of technology under the AI craze, as well as the impact of new technological developments on future education. The project conducts in-depth analysis of artificial intelligence technology development, the interaction between technology, society and education ecology, and the internal structural elements of the education system. The project has formed systematic achievements on issues such as talent strategy, knowledge view, teaching and learning reform, and teacher role reshaping under the influence of artificial intelligence. Under the new wave of artificial intelligence represented by ChatGPT, what challenges will education face? Has the critical point of AGI really been breached? What are the new trends in the ecological interaction between technology, society and education? Based on the nature of intelligence, this study attempts to answer whether ChatGPT heralds a breakthrough in AGI, and examines the impact of the competition between technology and education on what to teach, how to teach, and who will teach from the perspective of the social ecological system. It is foreseeable that education must take action to respond to the impact of technology on human wisdom. It should focus on raising the intellectual threshold about asking new questions of transforming the world and creating new knowledge, and establish an ecological perception of the development of education, technology and talent.
Xiaoqing Gu , Yiling Hu , Xiangjun Hao . Is AGI Approaching: Rethinking the Development of AI and Future Education in the Context of the ChatGPT Craze[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2023 , 41(7) : 117 -130 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.07.011
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