Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences) >
Divergence or Convergence: The Process Characteristics of College Students’ Learning from the Perspective of Discipline Classification
Accepted date: 2023-02-26
Online published: 2023-07-25
The process characteristics of college students’ learning from the perspective of discipline classification reflect the differences supported by the training process and needs of students, which is helpful to deepen the educational evaluation reform and promote the design of multiple evaluation system in the new era. Based on the National College Student Survey, the study shows that students’ academic and social experiences are positively related, with high academic experiences and high social experiences, low academic experiences and low social experiences being the two main types. The proportion of low academic experiences and low social experiences for science students is the largest, and the proportion of high academic experiences and low social experiences, low academic experiences and high social experiences for social science students is relatively large. The results show that the convergent education mode of science and engineering education has been broken, but the parochialization phenomenon of practice education still exists in science and engineering, while polarization appears in academic experiences and social experiences type of social science college students, and the science education and humanities education of basic discipline are split. It is recommended to form a characteristic education path based on discipline types.
Min Kang . Divergence or Convergence: The Process Characteristics of College Students’ Learning from the Perspective of Discipline Classification[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2023 , 41(8) : 13 -21 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.08.002
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