Early Childhood Development and Social Mobility in China

  • Xiaogang Wu ,
  • Xin Li
  • 1. Center for Applied Social and Economic Research, NYU Shanghai, Shanghai 200124, China
    2. Laboratory of Education Economics, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

Online published: 2023-09-27


The process and mechanisms of intergenerational transmission of socioeconomic status have been an enduring topic in social science research. Recently, attention has gradually shifted to the early stages of the life course. Infancy and early childhood are critical stages for the development of cognitive and socioemotional skills, which are predictive of subsequent academic success, employment outcomes, and ultimately, socioeconomic achievement. While early childhood investment can yield substantial returns to human capital, it can also exacerbate economic inequality. Empirical research, both domestically and internationally, have revealed that nurturing quality is increasingly divergent among social classes, leading to intergenerational accumulation of advantage/disadvantage, declining social mobility, and class differentiation. This article systematically reviews relevant theories and empirical research in China and provides a preliminary findings of early childhood education investment in Chinese families using the data from the Chinese Family Panel Studies (CFPS). Specifically, the article focuses on the differences in early childhood education investment and child development among families of different socio-economic statuses and discusses the potential impact of these differences on children’s future development. The article concludes with a comprehensive analytical framework for the study of early childhood development and social mobility to gain scientific evidence to promote human capital investment and advance social mobility through practices and policies.

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Xiaogang Wu , Xin Li . Early Childhood Development and Social Mobility in China[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2023 , 41(10) : 53 -65 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.10.005


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