Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences) >
An Empirical Study on the Evaluation of College Entrance Examination System by Different Stakeholders
Accepted date: 2023-12-06
Online published: 2024-02-22
Based on the valid data of 83,694 questionnaires on the reform of college entrance examination, the study examines the evaluation of the national college entrance examination system by high school students, college students, high school teachers, college teachers, parents, and social stakeholders. Through word frequency analysis, “fairness”, “high competition” and “pressure” are the most extensive and prominent evaluation of the college entrance examination system. Through the analysis of entropy value, the evaluation of the college entrance examination system is different among different stakeholders, showing different interests. Cluster analysis further verifies and deepens the conclusions of word frequency analysis and entropy analysis. In view of this, maintaining the fairness of the college entrance examination is still the most important prerequisite for the reform of the college entrance examination, and we should consider the interests of all stakeholders when promoting the reform of the college entrance examination, the policy evaluation of college entrance examination reform should be extended appropriately.
Haifeng Liu , Huafeng Wei . An Empirical Study on the Evaluation of College Entrance Examination System by Different Stakeholders[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2024 , 42(3) : 1 -11 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.03.001
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