From the World to China: Why Futures Literacy is Necessary as a New Vision for Futures Education Research ——Yu Jinshen in Conversation with Futurist Riel Miller

  • Jinshen Yu ,
  • [French] Riel Miller
  • 1. Department of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062
    2. école des Ponts Business School, Paris 75012

Online published: 2024-02-22


Futures education has become an international hot topic in recent years. As futures have not yet happened, no one can predict where education will go in the future. Therefore, we need to study futures education through new perspectives. Futurist Riel Miller developed the concept of futures literacy to help people develop an ability to know what the future is and how to use it. In the last decade or so, futures literacy has formed a global network, facilitated by UNESCO, with more than 100 Futures Literacy Laboratories-Novelty in 44 countries, to discuss the topic of futures literacy. In view of this, this dialogue focuses on three aspects: the theoretical background of futures literacy, the possible paths to study futures education and the value of mirroring futures education in China, in order to show the path of futures education research under the perspective of futures literacy.

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Jinshen Yu , [French] Riel Miller . From the World to China: Why Futures Literacy is Necessary as a New Vision for Futures Education Research ——Yu Jinshen in Conversation with Futurist Riel Miller[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2024 , 42(3) : 115 -126 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.03.010


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