Research on Diversification in Higher Education: A Perspective from Construction of Skilled Society

  • Jie Zheng ,
  • Jinlin Lan ,
  • Mengting Li
  • 1. Institute of Vocational and Adult Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062 , China

Online published: 2024-04-01


The pursuit of diversified development remains pivotal in fostering the connotation construction of higher education. In the context of construction of skilled society, achieving this diversification necessitates adjustments across three key facets: addressing multi-tiered skill demands, adopting versatile educational approaches, and ensuring sustainability within such a societal framework. Since the expansion of higher education in the late 1990s, China has achieved diversification of higher education in form, but the constraints within the evaluation and management mechanism of higher education, the rigidity of educational goals and systems, and the overemphasis on higher-tier education have led to a serious trend of institutional homogenization, resulting in unitary education provision, which makes it difficult to support the construction of a skilled society. To further support the construction of a skilled society, Chinese higher education institutions are suggested to direct their attention towards the cognitive requisites of diverse skilled individuals. This entails tailored classification and development strategies, a deep understanding of skill acquisition patterns, and a concerted effort to enrich horizontal diversity. Concurrently, the state and the government need to actively facilitate reforms in the evaluation and management of higher education institutions to create an institutional environment for the diversified development of higher education.

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Jie Zheng , Jinlin Lan , Mengting Li . Research on Diversification in Higher Education: A Perspective from Construction of Skilled Society[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2024 , 42(4) : 110 -122 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.04.010


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