The Historical Background, Challenges and Choices for Building a Strong Education Power in a Century of Change

  • Nanping Yu ,
  • Hao Huang
  • School of Politics and International Relations, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

Accepted date: 2023-12-27

  Online published: 2024-04-25


The present time is in a situation of great change unprecedented in a century. From a macro perspective, the world is entering a period of political and economic reshaping. Education is crucial to raising the level of productivity and pushing human civilization out of the productivity stagnation period. The current process of reverse globalization has triggered the outbreak of deep-rooted global conflicts. At the same time, disruptive technologies and industrial changes are deconstructing and reshaping the global industrial chain and value chain while accelerating the reshaping of the new global political and economic landscape. Under the background of entangled and superimposed influences of political intervention and technological power, China will mainly face the influences and challenges of “graded decoupling” of education from the U.S. and the West, subversive technological barriers, and reshaping of the AI ecosystem in the process of constructing a strong educational power. Only with the inherent requirements of Chinese-style modernization and the goal of building a community of human destiny can China build and realize a strong education power in the revolution of education paradigm and education “self-creation”.

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Nanping Yu , Hao Huang . The Historical Background, Challenges and Choices for Building a Strong Education Power in a Century of Change[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2024 , 42(6) : 9 -19 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.06.002


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