Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences) >
The Autonomous Construction of the Academic Discourse System for Basic Education Curriculum Reform in China
Online published: 2024-10-18
The autonomous construction of the academic discourse system in curriculum reform has showcased Chinese characteristics and wisdom. In terms of curriculum objectives, the transformation from “mastering basic knowledge and skills” to “cultivating core competencies” has played a leading role in cultivating individuals, with the curriculum standards having undergone two iterations and becoming increasingly refined. The curriculum structure has evolved from a “single type” to a “diversified balance,” continuously refining a balanced approach and exploring ways of building an integrated curriculum with Chinese characteristics. Curriculum content has shifted the focus from “textbook content” to “learning experience,” with the structuration of students’ learning experiences becoming a shared goal, and textbook studies with Chinese characteristics have made significant progress. Curriculum implementation has transitioned from “classroom transformation” to “program conversion,” embedding the concept of hierarchical collaboration and the systematic curriculum thinking, and the new lesson plan guided by competencies is taking shape. Curriculum evaluation has progressed from “examination and testing” to “curriculum assessment,” supported by the maturation of a developmental curriculum evaluation system, and significant progress has been made in reforming the college entrance examination. Curriculum management has changed from “teaching management” to “curriculum governance,” enabled by the gradual establishment of a systematic and democratic curriculum governance system, and breakthroughs have been made in the localized adaptation of school-based curriculum in China. In the future, guided by practicality, clarity, and originality, the construction of China’s curriculum academic discourse system is still constantly advancing. In the future, it is necessary to continue to promote the autonomous construction of the academic discourse system of the Chinese curriculum reform under the guidance of practicality, clarity and originality.
Yunhuo Cui , Wenye Zhou , Hao Lei , Hongrui Guo , Zihong Zhang , Shaofei Wang , Guiqing An , Gangping Wu . The Autonomous Construction of the Academic Discourse System for Basic Education Curriculum Reform in China[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2024 , 42(11) : 154 -170 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.11.010
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