The growing popularity of the practice-mode of teacher’s professional development has been a great challenge to the college-mode. The college-mode is blamed to be separated from the reality of educational practice, which emphasizes the teaching of theories and generalized rules of practices. The practice-mode focuses on the real situated teaching, training reflective practitioners, and developing personal styles of teaching. The inherent deficiencies in the practice-mode have led to subjectivism or random in teacher’s professionalization, as well as teacher’s lack of educational theories and his worship of practice. Teacher’s professionalization lies in how the teacher uses his philosophy to explore a whole educational practice in cultivating a good personality and great character. Based on the nature of teaching in seeking the meaning and human’s well-being, we should reconsider education and teacher’s professionalization. Teacher professional development should be guided by educational theories. In reconstructing the college-mode, it’s important to reflect the unique nature of educational theory, deepen teacher’s understanding of teaching, develop their critical thinking and form a habit of self-assessment.
CAO Yong-Guo
. Is the College-Mode of Teacher’s Professional Development Outdated?[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2015
, 33(3)
: 32
DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.005