In the past ten years, evidence-based educational research has been the academic pursuit, and it seems that only "evidence-based" educational research is a good study, a scientific study. All of a sudden, evidence-based education research featuring big data has become a fashion.In this paper, we argue that it's necessary to re-think the "evidence-based" educational research from the perspective of "cultural existentialism pedagogy". First, love is the basic way of human existence. Similarly, education research should also involve the human feelings and emotions of love. However, evidence-based educational research will become a "cold", "indifferent" and "stiff" study, lacking of human feelings and ultimate belief.Only "lively" education research is viable, highlighting life care and humanistic feelings. Therefore, from the perspective of cultural existentialism pedagogy, we advocate that the correlation between the researcher and the participant of study should have the process of encountering. Second, thinking is important to the existence of human. Evidence-based educational research tends to be obsessed with various data mining and accumulation,obsessed with various statistical models of computing and data modeling, analysis and discussion on management for all kinds of data. Therefore, in evidence-based educational research,there is a lack of true thinking, and a lack of studying on educational value rationality, thus leading to a lack of original ideas of "free thinking". Third, faith is the main mission of the existence of people. Not just the use of educational research data and the "evidence" to speak, it is more important to study hard to speak, speak with emotion, with his faith to speak, so faith problem is the problem of a lot of educational research. Without reverence, piety and persistent belief, it is difficult for researchers to truly love educational research, and it is difficult to find the law of education and the direction of development from the ever-changing data.
DAI Nai'en
. Limitation of Evidence-Based Educational Research:Perspective of Cultural Existentialism Pedagogy[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2017
, 35(3)
: 72
DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2017.03.008
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