The exploration of aesthetics shows that painting is the artistic reflection of the artist's own life and soul, which is a process of aesthetic creation.Painting instruction should be aesthetics-orientated through the appreciation of the physical beauty, spiritual beauty and the formal beauty. In such a process, the aesthetics field plays an important role as it provides experimental aesthetics for the artist through the integration of physical field, psychological field and cultural field, which induces artists to complete aesthetic creation through the trend of structure and metaphor. Positive research shows individual feeling of aesthetics consists of eight factors. The aesthetic orientation in painting instruction requires teachers to focus on the value of the aesthetic field, and strive to construct the aesthetics field from three aspects:the physical field, the psychological field and the cultural field.
YU Zeyuan
LI Jian
DING Yuehua
. Aesthetic Orientation in Painting Instruction:Construction of Generated Aesthetics Field[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2017
, 35(5)
: 128
DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2017.05.011
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