Back to the Body:Toward the Theory of Chinese Language & Literature Education

  • YANG Chengyu
  • College of Teacher Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

Online published: 2017-11-14


Chinese Language and Literature (CLL)is a language and the body is the cornerstone of CLL leading to the world. The world is moving from the traditional to the modern. In this context, the body can be divided into natural body, social body and transcendental body. The three dimensions of the body are mutually conditional, establishing a delicate causal relationship. In the process of modernization of Chinese language education, it is necessary to redefine the relationship and division of these three dimensions, rather than adopt one-dimensioned approach. As the three-dimensioned CLL is holistic,present and self-contained,the ontology of CLLcan focus on the difference and fissure of the three kinds of bodies, body and world from a new perspective. The essence of CLL is fissure and poetics is the way to get the essence of CLL.

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YANG Chengyu . Back to the Body:Toward the Theory of Chinese Language & Literature Education[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2017 , 35(6) : 50 -63+154 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2017.06.007


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