The fulfillment of school administration by law in China lies in the spirit of school administra-tion by law, the scientific connotation of which involves school's legal status, rule of law thinking, legal per-sonality and legal act. The values in rule of law is to achieve the rationality in administration of law, which can be interpreted from the aspects of school administration system, law-based society and law-based govern-ment. School Administration by law is concrete, and its basic contents are reflected in legal sources, legal en-tity, legal rights and duties and legal effects. In the context of rule of law, how to implement school adminis-tration by law is a major concern, which could be addressed by defining school by law, administrating school by law, assessing school by law and benefiting school by law.
GUAN Baoying
. School Administration by Law: Values, Content and Strategies[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2018
, 36(2)
: 38
DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.02.004
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