Taking vocational education as a type of education is the logical starting point of all policy designs in the State Council document “National Reform Implementation Plan for Vocational Education”. The pursuit of type attributes in vocational education has taken place throughout the history of vocational education. At present, the demand for type attributes in vocational education is so urgent, because the change in vocational structure in the era of intellectualization has produced the demand for the construction of vocational education system. The theoretical basis for establishing the type attributes of vocational education is the independence of the content of technical knowledge, the complexity of the formation process of technical knowledge and the diversity of the sources of technical knowledge. The practical strategies include ensuring the stability of the vocational education system and the fairness of policies, to establish more diversified forms of vocational education for the training of skilled personnel, to rationalize the internal links of vocational education, to manage vocational education according to the characteristics of vocational education and to improve the social status of skilled personnel.
Xu Guoqing
. Need for the Construction of Modern Vocational Education System to Make Vocational Education one Type of Education[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2020
, 38(1)
: 1
DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.01.001
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