Creativity is the fundamental power of human civilization progress and social development. Creativity is generally regarded as a kind of key competence of people in the 21st century. It is urgent to cultivate the creativity of primary and secondary students. An individual with creativity can use relevant information and resources to produce novel and valuable ideas, programs, products and other results. This competence includes three elements: creative personality, creative thinking and creative task engagement. Creative personality focuses on emotion and willpower; creative thinking focuses on internal thinking processes and methods; creative task engagement focuses on explicit behavior input, which is important for the cultivation of creativity. This study deconstructs creativity and elaboratesits connotation. And it also gives some examples of the behavior of creativity and provides some specific guidance on how to cultivate the creativity of primary and secondary students.
Gan Qiuling
Bai Xinwen
Liu Jian
Wei Rui
Ma Lihong
Xu Guanxing
Liu Yan
Kang Cuiping
. Creativity Competence: Part III of the 5Cs Framework for Twenty-first Century Key Competences[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2020
, 38(2)
: 57
DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.02.006
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