Investigation and Research on College Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Online Teaching in Post-pandemic Era

  • Zheng Hong ,
  • Xie Zuoxu ,
  • Wang Jing
  • 1. Center for Teaching and Learning Development, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China;
    2. Institute of Education, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China

Online published: 2020-07-14


This study based on online teaching survey conducted by the Teacher Development Center of Xiamen University during the epidemic period, investigated the attitudes to post-pandemic online teaching of 13997 college teachers during the pandemic, and used statistical methods to analyze the differences in online teaching attitudes among teachers with different backgrounds and online teaching experiences. The study found that more than three fourths of college teachers are willing to adopt the “online + offline” hybrid teaching after the pandemic and online teaching experience is an important factor that affects teachers’ attitudes to post-pandemic online teaching; teachers from different types, levels, regions of universities and with different teaching ages and disciplines have significant differences in their willingness to improve online teaching. Teachers from different backgrounds unanimously ranked student improvement opinions as the most important factor to continue online teaching. The research discussion points out that the experience of online teaching during the pandemic is very beneficial to teachers’ online teaching after the pandemic; the differences in teaching improvement opinions reflect the differences in college teachers, universities conditions,teaching levels and disciplines, and the inertia of traditional teaching is an obstacle to online teaching; teachers should be clearer about their responsibilities as students’ learning guides. Finally, it puts forward suggestions to encourage more teachers to recognize and carry out post-pandemic online teaching after the pandemic from three aspects: college system, technical support and individual teachers.

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Zheng Hong , Xie Zuoxu , Wang Jing . Investigation and Research on College Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Online Teaching in Post-pandemic Era[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2020 , 38(7) : 54 -64 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.07.004


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