With the education of innovation and entrepreneurship as the national strategy, it has attracted more and more attention. Based on the relevant data collected from the universities with typical experience from 2016 to 2018, this study selected the courses offered, specialized institution of innovation and entrepreneurship, practice area on and off-campus, and the number of full-time mentors as the four input factors. Meanwhile, we selected the annual average number of relevant projects, the number of benefited students and annual average number of registered entrepreneurial teams as the output factors. Through the hierarchy analytic process and grey correlation analysis, the study calculated the weight of influence, and then measured the input-output relationship in the field of university innovation and entrepreneurship. The findings showed that all the four input factors had significant positive impacts on the implementation effect of university education; and the number of courses and the on-and-off campus practice area had a more significant effect on innovation and entrepreneurship education. Finally, based on the relevant results, the paper made some suggestions for the future construction of innovation and entrepreneurship education system in Chinese universities.
Hu Ling
Yang Bo
. An Empirical Study of Influencing Factors of University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Effects: Based on the Data from 150 Universities with Typical Experience of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in China From 2016 to 2018[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2020
, 38(12)
: 64
DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.12.006
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