Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences) >
The Key to the Modernization of Vocational Education is to Improve the Basic National Institution of Vocational Education
Online published: 2021-02-07
To basically realize modernization by 2035 is an important strategic deployment made by the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. In order to achieve this goal, what is the most lacking for vocational education? What should be the focus of the next stage of development? How to develop? The analysis of the development process in the past 40 years and current situation of vocational education tells us that the key factor hindering our vocational education system to a higher level is the imperfection of the basic national institution of vocational education, so the development focus of vocational education in the next stage should be shifted from the construction of schools and colleges to the formation of the basic national institution. The demand of the development of vocational education in China for the national institution involves six levels: coordination level, structure level, demand level, content level, implementation level and evaluation level. The function of the national institution at the coordination level is to coordinate the management function of vocational education of relevant departments; the function of the national institution at the structural level is to link all components of vocational education into a system; the function of the national institution at the demand level is to provide demand information for the development of vocational education; the function of the national institution at the content level is to provide standard for the construction of vocational education curriculum; the function of the national institution at the implementation level is to guarantee the stable supply of the necessary conditions for the operation of vocational education; the function of the national institution of the evaluation level is to make an evaluation of the skill level with social credibility and to ensure its value of employment. The construction of the basic national institution of vocational education is difficult and need a long cycle, which requires a scientific design and long-term planning.
Guoqing Xu . The Key to the Modernization of Vocational Education is to Improve the Basic National Institution of Vocational Education[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2021 , 39(2) : 1 -14 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.02.001
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