
An Exploration of the Relationships between Interactive Forms of Online Course Teaching and Students’ Learning Engagement

  • Siyao Wang
  • Institute of Higher Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 200062

Online published: 2021-07-02


Teaching interaction is not only the key to the re-integration of online teaching and learning, but also an important factor affecting students’ engagement in online learning. As one of the special interactive modes in synchronous classroom, video interaction also has an important influence on the relationship between teaching interaction and students’ online learning engagement. Based on the survey data of 15441 postgraduates from 30 universities, this study conducted structural equation model and hierarchical multiple regression model to analyze the relationship between online teaching interaction on learning engagement. The results showed that learner-learner interaction, learner-teacher interaction, and learner-content interaction of online courses can positively predict students’ behavioral engagement, cognitive engagement and emotional engagement, respectively. The results also indicated that learner-learner video interaction positively moderates the relationship between teaching interaction and behavioral engagement, teaching interaction and cognitive engagement, and teaching interaction and emotional engagement. However, learner-teacher video interaction had no significant influence on the relationship between teaching interaction and learning engagement. In the future of online education, students’ online learning engagement can be promoted by creating a social interaction environment, enriching interactive content, triggering interactive events, and ensuring the quality of video interaction.

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Siyao Wang . An Exploration of the Relationships between Interactive Forms of Online Course Teaching and Students’ Learning Engagement[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2021 , 39(7) : 38 -49 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.07.004


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