
A Study on the Relationship between Parental Learning Involvement and Academic Performance of Primary and Secondary School Students——Based on the Analysis of a Moderating Model with Mediator about Parent-Child Relationship and Students’ Learning Confidence

  • Jiazhe Li ,
  • Yongmei Hu
  • Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China

Online published: 2021-07-02


Family education has an important impact on the academic performance of primary and secondary school students. Using HLM model and path analysis model to discuss the influence effects and influence mechanism of parental learning involvement on their children’s academic performance, we have gotten the following conclusions. Firstly, as the frequency of parental learning involvement increases, the academic performance of primary school students will be improved, while that of secondary school students shows a trend of “Inverted U-shaped”. Secondly, for primary school students with better parent-child relationships, the more parental learning involvement is conducive to the improvement of their children’s academic performance, but for primary school students with poor parent-child relationships and secondary school students, parents should moderately control the frequency of their learning involvement to promote children’s academic performance. Thirdly, learning confidence plays a mediating role between parental learning involvement and students’ academic performance for both primary and secondary school students. Fourthly, parent-child relationship plays a moderating role between the frequency of parental learning involvement and the learning confidence of primary and secondary school students, then to have a positive effect on students’ academic performance. Therefore, we suggest that parents of primary and secondary school students should build a harmonious parent-child relationship, and parents of secondary school students should control the frequency of learning involvement reasonably, adopt learning involvement methods suitable for children and strive to improve the quality of learning involvement. In addition, in the process of parental learning involvement, parents should encourage children more to improve their academic confidence.

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Jiazhe Li , Yongmei Hu . A Study on the Relationship between Parental Learning Involvement and Academic Performance of Primary and Secondary School Students——Based on the Analysis of a Moderating Model with Mediator about Parent-Child Relationship and Students’ Learning Confidence[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2021 , 39(7) : 72 -83 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.07.007


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