Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences) >
The Effect of Parental Involvement on their Perception of Children’s Academic Burnout in the Online Learning Context: Investigation and Research Report II on Online Teaching in Primary and Secondary Schools in Jiangsu Province
Online published: 2022-03-29
Based on the large-scale online teaching survey authorized by Jiangsu Education Department, this study aimed to examine the mediating role of parental educational anxiety between parental engagement and perceived child burnout in the context of online learning of a total of 1,039,155 parents from Jiangsu Province. The results showed that, (1) after controlling for parental literacy, parental educational anxiety positively influenced parental perceptions of their children’s academic burnout while “masking” the relationship between parental engagement and parental perceptions of their children’s academic burnout. (2) Among parents of elementary and junior high school students, the influence of parental engagement on their children’s perceptions of academic burnout was mediated by parental educational anxiety. (3) The inconsistent effect of parental involvement on the perceived academic burnout of high school students was masked by parental anxiety. (4) The mediating effect of parental involvement on the perceived academic burnout of children differed across dimensions. The results of the study showed that in the context of online learning, high parental engagement was beneficial in relieving their children’s academic burnout among parents of elementary and middle school students, while the “masking” effect of educational anxiety among parents of high school students indicated that parents of high school students needed to help their children overcome their academic burnout through relieving their own educational anxiety. The “masking” effect of educational anxiety among parents of high school students indicates that parents of high school students need to alleviate their own educational anxiety to help their children overcome the problem of academic burnout in online learning.
Li Zhao , Yue Liu , Shusheng Shen . The Effect of Parental Involvement on their Perception of Children’s Academic Burnout in the Online Learning Context: Investigation and Research Report II on Online Teaching in Primary and Secondary Schools in Jiangsu Province[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2022 , 40(4) : 29 -42 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.04.003
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